When a new underground infiltration system is installed, the load-bearing capacity of the material is often the subject that people have the most questions about. Understandable, because the primary goal of roads and soil is to support and carry the weight aboveground. An infiltration system under the ground must be strong and capable of carrying loads. Particularly in busy cities where traffic moves back and forth every day. Eyebrows are often raised when stone wool is suggested as a suitable option. This reaction is understandable, but unnecessary. Stone wool is strong and firm, almost as strong as stone.

A firm material

Stone wool is made of basalt rock. In addition to being incredibly sustainable, it is also extremely strong. Since the separate stone fibres are pressed and knitted together, the material remains in one piece in its solid form. From the outside, stone wool may seem as soft as a sponge, but when any pressure is put upon the material, there is no deformation or denting. Stone wool is also used under railway lines which trains ride across every day; no light task, indeed, yet due to the powerful network of fibres, the material acts as a firm foundation. Large lorries, busses and cars are no problem at all.

Fact sheet 'high load bearing'

We have summarized all insights about the strength of our Rockflow systems in a fact sheet

Download the fact sheet

Rockflow Fact sheet web thumbnail hoge draagkracht

Installation guide

If you are going to start installing a Rockflow infiltration system, but you are not yet entirely sure of the correct steps for installation, then our manual gives you step-by-step instructions on how to install a Rockflow buffer.

Rockflow - Downloads - Quick Installation Guide

Case study: Riding over the Rockflow infiltration system by tram

Other features of Rockflow:

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