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Buildings can be designed with the best fire protection strategy in mind, but later changes may compromise that safety.

Service lines installed after fire rated floors and walls are already in place can create gaps and voids that seriously increase the risk of fire spreading, despite the strong initial design.

Void fillers and fire sealants provide solutions to close any penetrations – restoring the building to its original performance levels.  

Learn how ROCKWOOL products can help ensure all fire-stopping points in your construction are secure.

Why do we need void fillers and fire sealants?

In both original construction and renovation projects, ensuring the best fire safety levels throughout the entirety of a building’s lifetime is essential1.

Ongoing work, improvements and changes can compromise existing fire materials and plans – with service line penetration or accidental damage on-site just two examples.

Before a site can be declared fit for purpose, every single fire stopping point needs to be checked to ensure its integrity is intact. Void fillers and fireproof sealants can be used to secure any gaps that have appeared, and ensure maximum safety.

Calculator and savings

Fire resistant sealant products are designed to improve building safety. Their application can be the difference between a controllable fire and one that causes serious, costly damage – and puts lives at risk.

The amount of sealant, coatings or penetration fillers required will depend on the size of your building and areas that may be at risk of compromise. Contact our experts for assistance with your requirements.

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Stone wool products can either permanently or temporarily seal penetrations.

Rob Kooiker

ROCKWOOL Group Product Manager

Sustainability and energy efficiency

As well as sealing gaps to prevent fire spread around pipes and other building areas, solutions that incorporate stone wool insulation can also improve energy efficiency. They reduce thermal transfer and maintain optimum temperatures. This can act to create a more sustainable building.

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Financial support

There may be local schemes and tax incentives available for fire safety projects in your country. Contact your local offices for more information.

Energy Efficiency, Key, Keyboard, Button
Fire stopping</a>&nbsp;is the process of safeguarding joints, imperfections and openings that could allow the passage of fire and smoke in a construction. It addresses any element that could compromise the integrity of a fire-resistant structure &ndash; going beyond simply insulating the service lines.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p>"},{"question":"Is fire sealant heat resistant? ","answer":"<p>ROCKWOOL sealant products are all heat resistant, and designed to provide up to four hours of effective fire protection. Stone wool is resistant to temperatures up to and over 1000&deg;C.</p>"},{"question":"What is fire stop sealant?","answer":"<p>Fire stop sealant is used to close off gaps and openings between walls, floors or ceilings. This aims to prevent the spread of fire and smoke and maintain a building&rsquo;s safety standards.</p><p>&nbsp;</p>"}]}}}" data-server-side-rendered="True" data-use-redux="False" id="faq">


What is fire stopping?
Is fire sealant heat resistant?
What is fire stop sealant?